A niche marketplace for personal training sessions

Probuddy is a sports and health marketplace that allows people to book in-person and online classes, training facilities, and other services and venues. Fitness enthusiasts can use Probuddy to find the perfect activity, while coaches can use it to connect with their target audiences and make money.
Client name | Christo Wiese |
Industry | Fitness & wellness |
Location | Singapore |
project hilights
Platform | Web |
Cooperation model | Outstaffing |
Team size | 2 |
technology stack
- Creating the platform architecture based on the Sharetribe API
- Overhauling the platform's UI/UX
- Making the user experience more intuitive and convenient
- Implementing an extended set of platform features
- Integrating an external service to improve search functionality
After conducting a thorough user interface and user experience audit, our designer updated the platform’s UI/UX. We improved the search, booking, and schedule modules; we also added income reporting and other features. We kept the design consistent while maximizing the platform’s functionality. Next, our frontend developer took over to implement the module improvements and new features in the platform’s codebase.
We chose React.js and CSS for the front end. Additionally, our developer used React SSR, a rendering method for delivering the client side of the web app through the backend server. React SSR allows for serving dynamic components as static markup, optimizing the platform’s performance.
Our developer chose Redux and Redux-Thunk for enhanced web app feature management. The Riseapps team also made the platform mobile responsive, meaning it’s adapted for smartphones with any screen size. When all the updates were in place, the platform had an improved look and improved functionality, resulting in quicker user adoption.

The homepage layout allows for quick access to key platform features: search bar, add inquiry tab, explore section, client and vendor portals, and more.

We made the search module layout straightforward to ensure users can easily find the activity or venue they’re looking for. Our developer integrated the Mapbox service to locate sessions on an interactive map before booking.

The booking module lets coaches see their upcoming and past sessions. We also added the possibility to download booking data as a CSV file, and trainers can view graphs with their income over a selected period.

We created intuitive scheduling modules so coaches can get a quick overview of their sessions for upcoming weeks along with information about clients.
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