Top 12 eLearning Trends In 2023 to Keep On Your Radar & Digitize

The disruption to elearning trends caused by the unexpected pandemic has sparked an outstanding revolution in the whole educational landscape. Online classes and conferences or online training of any kind no longer need to be limited to a physical venue thanks to digital tools- from mobile devices and immersive learning technologies to virtual learning systems and online courses.
The remarkable shift from traditional classroom learning to self-paced learning, followed by the explosive growth of the e-learning industry, shows no signs of slowing down. Webinars, learning on smartphones and elearning platforms, chatbots, and more have already become the new reality in education. So, which elearning trends are the most effective for your business, and how to use them right?
Keep reading to find out about:
- How EdTech Digital Transformation Disrupts the Elearning Industry
- 12 New eLearning Trends In 2023 to Follow
- Market-Leading Trends in Educational Technology Examples
- How Riseapps Helps with Custom eLearning Platform Development.
How EdTech Digital Transformation Disrupts the Elearning Industry
The current analysis of the international online education market and trends to watch includes data from a variety of sources.
To start with, education is one of the largest industries in the world, accounting for over 6% of the global GDP. The volume of the global elearning market in 2021, according to data from open sources, reached $6.5 trillion, and the market size of the EdTech industry is $270 billion, which, according to maximum expert estimates, is only a little more than 4% of the entire elearning market.
Global eLearning Statistics

GlobeNewswire expects the e-learning market to reach $457.8 billion by 2026.
As more and more educational institutions offer mobile learning opportunities to people from remote regions, the e-learning market will grow at a rate of 10.3% to reach a whopping $457.8 billion.
E-learning increases retention rates by 25-60%, according to Forbes.
According to the Research Institute of America, adaptive learning can increase retention rates by 25-60% over traditional learning. The study says that greater control over the learning process is one of the key factors in improving retention rates.
StrategyR predicts that by 2026, China will become the largest e-learning market, valued at $105.7 billion.
China’s e-learning market will outperform the US, reaching the predicted level in the US. $105.7 billion market size by 2026. This growth is due to China’s policy to accelerate the transition to new Internet-based learning methods.
India-based e-learning startup, Byju’s is considered the largest in the country, estimated at $22.6 billion.
According to Papers Owl, adaptive learning is developing 60% faster than in-person learning. This means that adaptive learning is better digested.
eLearning Business Statistics
According to Finances online, during the pandemic, 93% of world businesses are switching to e-learning because of its convenience and easy-to-use. Even if the business doesn’t fully move to online learning, it will use it as an alternative.
According to E-learning Industry, 77% of particular businesses have implemented social learning in their work process. As a result, the workflow became faster.
According to eLearning Industry, social learning used in corporate sectors takes 45% less than offline training.
42% of businesses state that their revenue was boosted after social learning implementation.

72% of organizations believe that social learning gives them a competitive advantage, Elearning industry says.
Providing employees with the knowledge they need to effectively perform their job responsibilities can improve the quality of their results and overall bottom line. Thus, the majority of the surveyed organizations consider e-learning to be their main competitive advantage. analyzes that 2 out of every 5 Fortune 500 companies are taking advantage of eLearning.
Fortune 500 companies recognize the value of e-learning and incorporate it into their business models. Research shows that there is a relationship between the use of e-learning in these companies and their success.
Employee eLearning Statistics
9 out of 10 businesses provide their employees with eLearning.

According to the eLearning Industry, comprehensive corporate training programs result in a 218% increase in revenue per employee.
Based on an e-learning industry report, Deloitte notes that the average employee needs 24 minutes, or 1% of their work week, to learn. This approach to microlearning helps employees learn the latest knowledge and skills available to them. This learning process leads to an increase in revenues and a growth in competitive advantages.
According to a Clear Company survey, 68% of employees consider corporate training and development to be the most important company policy.
Higher bonuses are given to employees who have higher skills compared to others. This is the main reason why 68% of employees consider training and development to be the most important company policy. Employees need continuous e-learning, learning, and development to not only gain more skills they can use to enhance their careers but also to get into higher-paying positions.
According to NCES, 58% of workers prefer e-learning courses for themselves. This number shows that most of them study after work or on the weekends adhering to a work-life balance.
According to Papers Owl, the research notes that the morale of employees is increased by 18%. This means that such employees reflect the morale of the work atmosphere.
According to American Heart Association, productivity is noticed in 20% of employees who took learning modules and courses.
Top Elearning Trends Statistics
According to Statista, mobile learning accounted for 52% of world traffic: Asia (61.7%) and Africa (59.8%).
According to Gutierrez, microlearning improves the learning exchange by 17%. It also creates 50% more engagement and reduces the cost of development. What’s more, it increases the speed of development by 300%.
According to a survey conducted by TalentLMS, 82 of the interviewees said that gamification makes them delighted. And 82% of them prefer multiple difficulty levels and choose an explorable type of content (Bravon).

12 New eLearning Trends In 2023 to Follow
The main trends in educational technology market in the world are currently the following:
- use of social networks for e-learning
- the growing popularity of SAAS solutions
- the spread of mobile learning.
Here is our tailor-made list of the top 12 e learning trends that will be beneficial for your business growth.
Microlearning has been on the list of major edtech trends for several years now. It’s all about efficiency. Micro learning, the main principle of which is to deliver training in small portions, shows good results and its implementation is easy and not expensive. In simple terms, in microlearning, any large material is divided into small blocks. They are diluted with tests and questions for self-examination. As a result, the assimilation of one block of material takes no more than 10-15 minutes, and often even 5-7 minutes. This format is very convenient. First, it doesn’t take much time. And secondly, the person remains concentrated and learns the material better.
An example of microlearning is a joint project between Walmart Corporation and the Canadian startup Axonify. This is mobile occupational safety training. The training module is organized in blocks, each of which takes 3-5 minutes. This training has already been completed by 80,000 Walmart employees, resulting in a 54% reduction in the number of emergency personnel.
User Generated Content includes the addition of various creating materials prepared by teachers themselves. UGC as one of the online learning trends is needed so that people can interact with each other and dive deeper into the topic of the lesson. This approach stimulates discussion and the desire to share information. And the possibility of co-creating a course increases motivation and engages learners.
StudySmarter is a learning platform that turns any text or content into an interactive course. This content is generated using NLP. Students engaged in StudySmarter can create their own UGC (lecture notes, summaries, exercises) wherever they are. StudySmarter offers all the features in one place that are digitally available to the public.
Artificial Intelligence AI and Chatbots
A chatbot is also on the list of trends e learning. It is a program that helps in solving specific problems by simulating human communication. That is, you communicate with the program, as if with a live interlocutor. And if at first this technology was used more for entertainment and small tasks, now it is actively used in business processes and education. Today, many bots help in learning a foreign language and searching for books and learning materials. There are various chatbots that simulate a conversation with a difficult client or make a product presentation. As a result, artificial intelligence AI accelerates the learning pathways and helps to consolidate them.
One of the most successful AI-powered EdTech startups in China is Squirrel AI. The principle of operation here is as follows- the amount of information on a particular subject is divided into many small blocks. Then, in the course of testing a particular student, the zones with the largest gaps are determined. After that, a plan of specific exercises is generated in an automated mode to correct the situation. To illustrate the level of detail, a high school math course is broken down into over 10,000 knowledge points in Squirrel AI. Judging by the popularity of the service in China, this approach is quite effective.
As you probably know, modern online courses are much more than PowerPoint presentations or a few separate online modules with learning materials. It is an organized learning system in which everyone has a predetermined educational path. And for this path to lead to the achievement of certain learning objectives, practical exercises, and communication with the teacher in real time are necessary. For this, the webinar as one of the ed tech trends is the best suitable format.
CCtalk is a real-time interactive educational platform that provides independent educators and knowledge contributors with comprehensive online education tools and platform capabilities. It provides informative content and a community learning environment in the form of webinars. CCtalk provides many educational tools and opportunities in both life, recorded, and group formats. The platform allows teachers to use and create educational widgets, including digital hand raising, multiplayer video-based learning that guarantees teacher-student synchronization, desktop sharing, a live PPT-like tutorial, and playback functions.
Augmented and Virtual Reality VR
Traditionally, augmented and virtual reality is used more for games and movies. But in recent years, such trends in edtech as augmented reality are also making waves. The use of virtual reality VR is ideal for teaching complex skill gaps where there is no place for an error. And virtual tours are used in onboarding to show the future employee how the office works.
An interesting example of the use of augmented reality immersive tomography is the medical startup EchoPixel. Surgeons and diagnosticians use ultrasound equipment, 3D glasses, and a special display to get a three-dimensional hologram of the patient’s body or individual organs. The system of augmented reality and immersive technology are used for diagnostics and training.
Game-based learning is also on everybody’s lips today, comparable to 2022 learning and development trends. One of the elearning gamification benefits is the use of game techniques and elements to achieve real goals. In other words, due to game-based learning, boring tasks become more interesting and exciting.
ByJu’s is the most expensive edtech startup on the planet with a capitalization of $18 billion and one of the hundred most influential companies in the world. According to the founders of the company, the main component of success is the use of formats related to increasing engagement. These are interactive videos, quizzes, and tests, as well as gamification.
Cloud Technologies
At the first stages of LMS implementation, as well as at the stages of further development, companies often face a load on the server where the training portal is located. This problem can be solved and rent cloud computing resources. According to a study by the consulting agency Gartner, about 50% of large global companies are already ready to move their key resource management systems to the Cloud. These education tech trends will also help in the joint development of electronic content. The two most popular Clouds today are Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services.
Founded in 2010, Huikedu Group includes Huike Education Group and Huike Science Research Institute. They are the largest partner of higher education institutions in China, offering technological advancement and products for higher and vocational education services. The Group also supports the national elearning strategy for the development of mobile Internet, cloud technologies, big data, Internet marketing, and other innovative information technologies in the field of educational services.
Big Data
When discussing Big data as one of the future trends in technology and education, one can immediately come across a small number of real examples of companies that have already mastered big data. Therefore, it is better to start with an analysis of the employee’s activities on the training portal: completed courses, time spent online, the number of likes, posts, content analysis of texts, feedback, evaluation results, and so on. Based on this information, it will be possible not only to prescribe learning paths for each employee but also to predict his further successes or risks of dismissal.
Yuantiku is an online education product that provides previous years’ exam material for students and an exercise database that also provides customized exercises to improve testing efficiency. More than 13 million Chinese middle and high school students use the app, where hundreds and thousands of apps combine in one big data to prepare students for the college entrance exam. With data as big as this, it’s no surprise that two-thirds of Yuantiku’s employees are dedicated to research and development.
Educational Video
Today, any video even shot on a mobile phone, can be useful and educational. Video content as one of the technology trends in education can also be clearly seen in the example of social networks since it is videos that gain more user actions (likes, shares, comments). Since such trends to watch do not require much effort, try to enable company employees to create their own video tutorials, video tips, and video cases and upload them to LMS.
Coursera is based in Silicon Valley (California, USA). It offers users a MOOC platform with educational videos and a special program for distance learning. It involves an unlimited number of students and opens access to materials via the Internet. The user chooses the direction in which he would like to improve his knowledge, and Coursera, in turn, offers him courses from world universities. In total, 150 universities cooperate with the startup.
Blogs are among the great trends to watch. Blogs for their authors are an opportunity to express themselves, share their learning experience, and contribute to a greater purpose. To get a great learning atmosphere, you can give employees the opportunity to blog.
The Pearson Blog is the blog of the world’s leading learning company that helps people make meaningful progress in their lives with the help of e-learning. The blog has clients in over 70 countries and combines education and engaging content creation using innovative technology. It offers new digital ways of learning through telling stories, sharing interesting news, research, and ideas.
A Culture of Learning in the Company
By increasing the learning effectiveness of the portal, and adjusting it to the needs of employees and their level of knowledge, you can move towards creating a culture of learning in the company and consider it as one of the elearning platforms for increasing motivation for development. The culture of learning in the company is on the list of 2022 elearning trends and goes to the next year with us. It will stimulate the development of not only the technical skills that are needed for work but also soft skills, such as foreign languages and communications.
Cengage Learning, a leading provider of innovative teaching, is known for its inner learning culture. The employees mark the family feeling inside the company that speaks to the management. The company’s products and services are aimed to improve student engagement, and learning outcomes and provide people with authoritative information.
Mobile Learning
According to research, we look at and turn on the phone more than a hundred times a day, even when we do not receive any notifications! What a crazy number. But this habit can be turned into good. For example, to abandon the endless checking of mail and social networks in favor of taking elearning courses and gaining new knowledge on a smartphone. Moreover, many companies have picked up this elearning trend and created educational applications for smartphones and tablets. Changing learning habits caused a boom in 2022 instructional design trends.
Chegg was founded in 2005 and provides an online learning platform based on mobile learning. Chegg numbers 7.8 million subscribers (2021) and creates resources for students, giving them the opportunity to do homework and study on their own. In addition, users can buy, and rent books and even sell them on the platform.

Market-Leading Trends in Educational Technology Examples
One of the largest and perhaps the most well-known startups in the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) market on a global scale is the Coursera platform. It brings together thousands of lecturers with millions of students. Coursera has over 100 business elearning courses with the latest elearning trends. All of them provide an opportunity to listen to lectures, get useful information, as well as do homework, and take tests. For each course, students communicate in special online groups where they can ask questions, get to know each other, and receive additional information.
One of the largest numbers of online training and courses on business and entrepreneurs is on the Edx platform. At the moment, 595 courses are offered that cover all aspects of the activity, from choosing a niche and preparing for a launch to solving legal issues, searching and hiring employees, attracting investments, and scaling. The Edx platform is implemented using open-source software. Within the framework of the site, the exchange of research data, statistics, and other useful information between graduates and other projects has been launched.
An example of deep integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies is shown by the Duolingo service. It provides customized learning paths, starting with the preliminary testing of the student’s language abilities and ending with the adaptation of the content of the lessons to their individual progress and the dynamics of the development of individual language skills.
Makeblock was founded just six years ago and is using robotics as its primary educational tool. The startup teaches kids about coding, engineering, and other core AI technologies. This includes homemade robotic kits that students build by hand and then write simple lines of code to control their robots. Makeblock is the world leader in STEAM education solutions. The company provides hardware, software, content solutions, and even top-notch robotics competitions. Its products have over 8 million users worldwide in over 140 countries and are sold through over 1,600 distributors. Makeblock has received seven international awards, including the Reddot Design Award and the CES Innovation Awards in 2018.

How Riseapps Helps Implement New Technologies In Education
Riseapps is a full-cycle EdTech software development company that helps education technology startups, SMBs, and enterprise-level providers streamline their eLearning practice by implementing the LMS marketing strategy. We have solid expertise in custom eLearning software development using emerging learning technologies (i.e. AI in language learning), from the first sketch of an idea to the final release of an app.
We also offer:
- EdTech Legacy System Modernization
- eLearning Product Consulting & Audit
- EdTech-Enabled Dedicated Teams
- DevOps & Cloud Migration
- eLearning Plattform Support.
With 7 years in the IT industry, we offer a broad range of dependable and adaptable custom UX/UI design and quality assurance & testing services that meet your specific needs. More than that, we use the latest educational technology examples and guarantee you better outcomes by adhering to all digital learning trends.
Based on our expertise, we will fuel your business with:
- Learning Management Systems
- E-learning Portals
- Proctoring Systems
- Student Information Systems
- System Integrations
- Analytics.
For example, PowerToFly – a femtech award-winning HR tech platform. Raising $37.5M in funding, the platform is also featured in the Washington Post, Investopedia, Cision, TechTarget, CFO, and much more. PowertoFly is also considered Recruitment Marketing Leader (2022) and Diversity Software Leader (2022). During the collaboration, we helped PowerToFly:
- Redesign of all built-in system components
- Develop a subscription-based DEIB LMS based on OpenEdx
- Integrate third-party services to create a community platform
- Integrate micro-frontend architecture into the existing architecture design
- Conduct technology audit and review of core system components.
Elearning software development of PowertoFly
Also, Enroly – is a market-leading edtech offer-to-arrival platform for universities. During the collaboration, we have helped the platform raise over $2.6M in funding.
So, the core project engagement activities included:
- Built-in dashboards optimization for handling multi-user data handling
- Helped the client’s in-house team transfer to a brand-new UI design system
- From-scratch user interface design for all user types
- AWS-based multifactor authentication implementation
- Rust codebase refactoring and support
- Database migration to PostgreSQL to skyrocket performance.
Elearning software development of Enroly
Want to see more of our success stories? You can view our comprehensive portfolio on Clutch.
Wrapping Up
The future of elearning industry is rapidly evolving. That is why it’s crucial for EdTech businesses to stay ahead of the curve by following elearning trends. In 2023, these 12 elearning trends will be essential for driving growth and success in the industry.
From Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality to Game-based learning, Micro learning, and Immersive Technologies, these cutting-edge technologies will shape the future of education. Don’t get left behind – start implementing these must-see new elearning trends now to take your business to the next level.
Looking for an eLearning software development partner and wondering how to start an edtech startup? Lean on Riseapps – a 7-year experienced EdTech technology partner – to revamp your existing product or deliver a brand-new digital solution in a cost-compressed and investment-worthy manner. Just drop us a line and we’ll send an estimate.
Which is an example of a trend in education?
Adaptive learning is a learning experience that uses new technologies to adapt them to the needs of people. The purpose of this method is to create an optimized learning experience that transforms people from just listeners into active and collaborative participants in the learning paths.
What are the new elearning trends?
Virtual and augmented reality are modern and rapidly developing hottest elearning trends. Their goal is to expand the physical space of human life with objects created with the help of digital devices and programs.
Why is eLearning the future?
Elearning has already become a part of our lives and will continue to be a part of our future as with the help of technology we can improve our life, increase professional opportunities and do our job faster and better.
Adaptive learning is a learning experience that uses new technologies to adapt them to the needs of people. The purpose of this method is to create an optimized learning experience that transforms people from just listeners into active and collaborative participants in the learning paths.
Virtual and augmented reality are modern and rapidly developing hottest elearning trends. Their goal is to expand the physical space of human life with objects created with the help of digital devices and programs.
Elearning has already become a part of our lives and will continue to be a part of our future as with the help of technology we can improve our life, increase professional opportunities and do our job faster and better.
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